Basalt is a quiet, safe neighborhood that’s just minutes away from Idaho Falls. With an estimated population of 391 people and located in close proximity to much more than this small town has to offer, you’ll be able to explore all it offers with ease.
The residents of Basalt, ID, located in Idaho Falls, ID, have a better quality of life than 40% percent of its surrounding areas. This neighborhood rates higher on average livability scores and ranks 161st among cities in Idaho as well 17347th out of all places within America.
The cost of living in this beautiful town is 9% lower than the Idaho average and 16 percent below national norms. It’s also 31% cheaper to buy your home here as well, which makes for an altogether more affordable lifestyle if you’re looking at moving into or purchasing property on a budget.
The small town of Basalt, Idaho, has a crime rate that is 25% lower than the national average. Violent crimes in this community are 19% less frequent too. The area of Basalt, ID, is one of the safest cities in America. In fact, it has a smaller chance of becoming violently victimized than 41% percent of other American towns and cities. This means that there are many opportunities to enjoy living here without fear or danger just because you’re visiting on vacation or have moved your family here permanently from another state where they felt more at ease with safety risks present around them all day long every single second – but not so much when coming home late at night after having been out during business hours doing some shopping before dinner while still, daylight lasts.
The city of Basalt, ID, is a lower-income area with 42% less income per capita than the national average. Furthermore, its median household incomes are 22% less when compared to all other cities in America.
The Basalt neighborhood of Idaho has some great employment opportunities for you. Male median earnings here are 41% higher than female median earnings, and unemployment rates in this region fall 55% lower than the national average. Moreover, poverty levels here are also 46 percent less likely to be prevalent as well.
Basalt offers an escape from big city life with its quiet rural feel, and most residents own their homes. There are many bars to go visit if you’re looking for some good company or just need something alcoholic after work. The people here tend not only to be conservative but also very family-oriented; it’s clear that this community loves everyone under one roof at all times–even when they aren’t really related by blood (or marriage).