Iona, ID, is a neighborhood located about 5.9 miles away from Idaho Falls area, with an estimated population of 2266 people. The area has been home to many successful individuals and businesses starting in their homes or on the small lots that make up most neighborhoods today.
Iona, ID, is a great place to live. Not only does this neighborhood rank higher than 64% of its surrounding areas, but it also has an excellent livability score and ranks as the 89th ranked city in Idaho.
In Iona, ID, The cost of living is 1% lower than the Idaho average and 8% lower than the national average. The housing market has also been shown to be 4 percent cheaper when compared with other nearby cities and towns – making this small town an affordable option for those looking at moving or relocating their families.
The small town of Iona, ID, offers residents and visitors alike great opportunities for peace of mind. With a crime rate 75% lower than the national average, it’s clear that there are many people who enjoy living in this beautiful area filled with natural beauty while enjoying modern amenities as well. You have a 1 out 172 chance (on average) to become victims here, which makes these statistics all but unbeatable when compared nationally against other cities across America, making this place safer than 81% of U.S. cities.
Also, In Iona, ID, the median household income is 13% higher than the national average. This means that while there are lower levels of income per capita in this area compared to America (34% lower) as a whole when you factor population density and cost living expenses into account – things like gas prices-the gap isn’t so crazy after all.
The people of Iona have it good. The unemployment rate is low, with many jobs available to those who want them. The median earnings for males living in this area are 41% higher than females earn, which means there’s more money going around if you’re a guy or girl looking into moving here soon- goodness knows we could all use that extra cash flow coming our way. The poverty level here makes it 72% less likely than the rest of America that you’ll be living below half-proud financially.
The small town of Iona, ID, offers residents a rural feel with plenty to offer in terms of culture and community. Many families live here as well. It’s also very conservative, which makes for some great opportunities when it comes time to take care of your kids’ education.