Lincoln, ID, is a neighborhood located about 4.1 miles away from Idaho Falls, ID with an estimated population of 2808 people.
Lincoln, ID, is a neighborhood with an exceptional livability score and ranks better than 90% of its surrounding areas. This area has been ranked 15th out of the cities in Idaho as well as 2700th nationwide.
This is a neighborhood that has many benefits to offer its citizens. The cost of living in Lincoln is 4% lower than the Idaho average and 11% lower than national standards; housing prices are also 14% cheaper when compared with other areas across America.
Lincoln, ID is one of the safest cities in America. In fact, it has a crime rate 75% lower than average nationwide and violent crimes 73% less likely to happen to you there. You have only 1 chance out of 172 for any incident that could lead up being mugged or even murdered while visiting Lincoln with family members who are visiting too- making this small town become an ideal vacation destination where newcomers can feel at home quickly because no matter what their age maybe they’ll never need worries about safety here. This area is safer than 81% of the U.S. cities.
In Lincoln, ID, the average household income isn’t even at par when compared to other places nationwide. Incomes here are 32% lower than they would otherwise be if it were closer or on par with national norms, which means that many residents struggle financially just trying to make ends meet day by day while others don’t have much more going forward after paying bills every month.
Lincoln, ID, is a wonderful place to live with many opportunities for employment. The median earnings of males in Lincoln are 41% higher than females and also enjoy lower unemployment rates at 44% than the U.S average. Additionally, poverty levels here measure 39 percent below the national average, which makes it an ideal location no matter what your skill set may be.
In Lincoln, you’ll find a rural feel, and most residents own their homes. Many families live in this small town with its lower crime rate than big cities have to offer. The public schools are above average for students of all ages- from preschoolers learning about numbers & letters through high school seniors working on college plans or preparing resumes post-graduation.
The average school test scores here are equal to the national average. 89% of people have completed 8th grade, 88 percent finish high school, and 35+ percent complete their bachelor’s degrees. Lincoln is an amazing place with great opportunities for those who love it.