A small town just outside of the bustling metropolis that is Idaho Falls, Rigby, ID, offers a quiet place to call home. With an estimated population of 4,028 people and plenty going on in this neighborhood, you’ll be sure not to want anything when it comes time for work or play.
Rigby, ID, is a great place to live. This city has an exceptional livability score and ranks 10th in Idaho. It’s also ranked 2,215th out of all cities across America, which makes it better than 92% percent of its surrounding areas.
From the cost of living alone, Rigby, ID, is a great place to live. The average household in this little town enjoys an expense ratio that’s 4% lower than Idaho standards and 11% lower than national averages! Not only does it have affordable housing units, but they’re also 34 percent cheaper when compared with similar properties across America as well.
The area of Rigby has a crime rate 60% lower than the national average. Violent crimes in Rigby are 94% less common when compared to other cities across America- meaning you have about 1/106th chance of becoming a victim here. Not only does this make it safer for residents, but it also helps keep businesses afloat because they don’t need so many security measures put into place at their establishment since people can come back after work without worrying too much if something might happen while away.
Despite the lower-than-average income per capita in Rigby, it is a great place to live. It has some of its citizens who work hard and have made their town proud with good grades despite being one amongst many other towns where education levels do not compare well against others around them or even within our own country. Their median household income is 41% lower than the national average and 56% less when compared with other cities in Idaho.
Rigby, ID, has a higher median earnings rate for males than females and an unemployment level that is 40% lower than the national average. The poverty factor in this city equals 25% more compared to other places of residence, which are considered adequate by United States standards.
Living in Rigby, ID, can be an enjoyable experience for families with children or young adults. The city offers many amenities to its residents, including a low crime rate and ample green spaces perfect for walking dogs! Schooling is also very good here, which makes it easy on you after long days at work.